Book Review, Jesus, My Father, The CIA and Me... great title, better book.

Jesus, My Father, the CIA, and Me: A Memoir...of SortsJesus, My Father, the CIA, and Me: A Memoir...of Sorts by Ian Morgan Cron
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Loved this book! If you're looking for a book that is troubling, inspiring, challenging and hilarious all at the same time, this book is for you. Mr. Cron tells the tale of his life growing up with an alcoholic who worked for the CIA. It's the story of his families survival in the midst of their father's spiral into the depths of his disease. It is also the story of the author's own journey to faith through a combination of the sacred, the terrible and the mundane. He recounts this journey with a surprising amount of humor that makes the book incredibly hard to put down. I highly recommend this book!

Here are just a few quotes I liked from the book, there were many more but I don't want to spoil it for you:

Humans are the only creatures that require pageantry and ceremony in their social diet. (Ever met a squirrel that wanted a wedding?)

Cron, Ian Morgan (2011-06-07). Jesus, My Father, The CIA, and Me: A Memoir. . . of Sorts (Kindle Locations 591-592). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.

Frederick Buechner once wrote, “The grace of God means something like: Here is your life. You might never have been, but you are because the party wouldn’t have been complete without you.”

Cron, Ian Morgan (2011-06-07). Jesus, My Father, The CIA, and Me: A Memoir. . . of Sorts (Kindle Locations 768-769). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.

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Letters to a Young Life Leader

Letters to a Young Life LeaderLetters to a Young Life Leader by Bob Mitchell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

No one knows Young Life better than Bob Mitchell. Literally he was a kid when YL basically started in his house. He grew up in and with Young Life. Served in every capacity possible, including as the President of the ministry. Bob Mitchell was a part of Young Life from it's infancy, through it's adolescence and now far into his own old age. In this book he boils down the basics of what makes Young Life unique, attractive, successful and timeless. Everyone who leads or cares about Young Life should read this book, because you will love it!

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You can purchase the hardcover version of this book immediately here.

The Kindle version is available at Amazon here.

Love Does - Book Review

I recently had the opportunity to read Love Does by Bob Goff and I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I first heard of Bob Goff from reading a Donald Miller book where he mentions Goff admiringly so I was intrigued to read more about what Mr. Goff was like. As it turns out he is a "doer", meaning he is a man of action who takes his faith very seriously, and does so by turning it into action. Love Does is the perfect title for this guy's book, because that two word statement seems to summarize his entire philosophy of life.
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Christians are Hate-Filled Hypocrites..... Book Recommendation

Christians Are Hate-Filled Hypocrites... and Other Lies You've Been ToldChristians Are Hate-Filled Hypocrites... and Other Lies You've Been Told by Bradley R.E. Wright
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I loved this book! As a generally skeptical person I often read statistics about Christians, church, America and think "that statistic does not mirror my experience whatsoever". The author of this book felt the same way, so he went out and analyzed tons of statistics and the studies that produced them. What he discovered was both surprising and encouraging in many ways. Read this book!

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Book Review: Manhunt the 12 Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer

Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's KillerManhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer by James L. Swanson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Everyone knows that Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth, and most people know that Booth was killed before being brought to trial. I am like most people. I would guess that most people don't know much about the conspiracy to kill the Secretary of State and Vice President as well, nor do they know the tale of how Booth escaped, and how he was ultimately captured. This book does an excellent job of piecing together many historical accounts of that time, and telling the story in a way that feels fresh for the reader. If this interests you at all, you'll enjoy the book.

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iPhone 5 -- Should you buy it? My review.

Every time a new iPhone is released I get quite a few people asking me if I'm going to buy it and if they should buy it or not.

I don't usually get one on the first day, but rather I wait a few weeks. However, this time I did hop in a line near my house and I bought it. In fact, I was the first person I knew to have one.

This time someone asked me to write a review, so I'm going to write my first ever iPhone review.  Remember, I'm not a tech blogger, which is good, because most of the people who read this won't be interested in hearing about the RAM and the processor speed anyway.


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A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, Book Review

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My LifeA Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My Life by Donald Miller
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this book. Donald Miller set out to make a movie out of his previous book "Blue Like Jazz". Along the way he discovered what it takes to make a good movie, a good story. He then realized that it takes a great story to make a great life. This book is the result of what he discovered in that process.

When you read the book you do feel like you are discovering these ideas along with Don, because he does a great job in bringing you through his own journey of discovery. It is not an onerous book to read, and it was totally enjoyable and will cause you to do some fun and healthy introspection.

Miller isn't a deep theologian (he's not trying to be), but he is an engaging writer who isn't afraid to say (write) what he is thinking, regardless of how it may unmask some of his own insecurities and foibles. This is incredibly refreshing.

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Same Kind of Different As Me

Same Kind of Different as MeSame Kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'm always late to read the popular books. I don't know if that's because I'm lazy or just skeptical about the "hot new book". So everyone I know read this book 3 years ago, and I just got around to reading it. I enjoyed it, but I didn't weep. It is incredibly heart wrenching, and an amazing story. I won't ruin it, but I think the best part about the book is that it will challenge you to think differently about people who are down and out and the impact that anyone who is willing can have in another person's life.

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Book Review: The Big Short by Michael Lewis

The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday MachineThe Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you want to better understand the housing collapse of 2008 and have your brain turned into mush at the same time, read this. I was always intimidated by the complicated investments that lead to the demise of the subprime housing market and should have lead to the collapse of every public firm on Wall Street. Once I read this book I still didn't understand these investment schemes, but I felt better about it because neither did most of the people who were buying and selling these bonds, including the CEO's of all the big banks.

As always Michael Lewis tells a great story, and this one has affected every one of us.

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The books I read in 2011 and how I read them

If you're into reading it's always interesting to see what other people are reading.  Goodreads is a great website for this. I joined it last year (it's free) and I really like it. It's in the links to the left of this post if you want to check it out.

I set a goal to read 30 books in 2011. I didn't reach that goal, I never do. I did read 25 books (mostly because I was on sabbatical for a good chunk of time). Below are the books I read, a brief blurb about them, and on what medium I read them(Kindle app for iPad or iPhone, Paper copy, iBooks app). I'm including how I read them because so many people are discovering the joys of reading on a digital device.  I like it so much I don't even consider buying books made of paper anymore. These are the 25 books I read. You can buy all of them at or on the ibookstore on your iDevice. 

I've included links to all of them to their goodreads pages, you can get a link to Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, etc from there.

1. Baseball Between the Numbers: Why Everything You Know About the Game Is Wrong by Baseball Prospectus - this is a series of essays by super baseball statisticians that prove that many of the statistics baseball fans rely on are very flawed, and how many of the adages and strategies that baseball people believe in do more to lose games than win them. If you like baseball this is fascinating, regardless if you're a stat junky or not. Read it on the Kindle app for my iPhone, yes the whole thing on my phone! This is what helped me become a digital reader.

Baseball Between the Numbers: Why Everything You Know About the Game Is Wrong

2. Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God - by Francis Chan  - this book is great! Very challenging, and will spur you on to examine and change your life and how you think about your life. In a good way. Don't be afraid, read it. You'll be glad you did. Found it for $5 at a used bookstore, so read it in paper.

Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God

3. Save the Cat! The Last Book on Screenwriting You'll Ever Need by Blake Snyder - a friend of mine who is a screenwriter turned me on to this book as a way to understand movies, and storytelling. Since I'm essentially a professional storyteller I read it and really enjoyed it.  Started it on the Kindle app for my phone, finished it on the Kindle app for  iPad, thank God, it was formatted terribly on the iPhone, and looked much better on the iPad. This is the only book that I have ever had formatting problems with.

Save the Cat!: The Last Book on Screenwriting You'll Ever Need

4. The End of Reason: A Response to the New Atheists by Ravi Zacharias  - the author takes on some of the arguements of Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins in this very short book. I love Ravi, and really enjoy his speaking and writing. I'd love to see him and Dawkins actually debate face to face. Read the paper version from a used bookstore.

The End of Reason: A Response to the New Atheists

5. Identity Theft: Reclaiming your Freedom in Christ by Ken White - The author is a friend of mine and a fellow Young Life staffer. I really enjoyed his book. He did a fantastic job. I read it on iBooks for my iPad.

Identity Theft: Reclaiming Your Freedom in Christ

6. Infinitely More by Alex Krutov - Alex was abondoned by his mother in a dumpster in the winter in Russia when he was 3 days old!  This is basically his autobiography, it's amazing. My friend Kit Sublett publisehd this book (as wll as Identity Theft by Ken White) and I've been promoting it all year, because it's a great story that needs to be shared. I've met Alex and his ministry to orphans in Russia is phenomenal. Read on iBooks for iPhone.

Infinitely More

7. Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell - his newest book (Love Wins) caused a bit of a controversy this past spring, so I thought I would check out the book that made him famous before I read that one.  I never got to Love Wins, but I really enjoyed this book. There wasn't too much revolutionary thinking in it, but he does subscribe to some great ideas about how to live out the Christian faith in modern times. Borrowed the paper copy from a freind.

Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith

8. Just Do Something: A Liberating Approach to Finding God's Will - by Kevin DeYoung - One of my favorite books of the year. Very short. Very to the point. He expressed very clearly what I believe about "finding God's will for your life". Everyone under the age of 40 should read this!!!!!!!!!!!  I read it on the iPad and iPhone.

Just Do Something: A Liberating Approach to Finding God's Will

9. Torches of Joy by John Dekker - Jon Dekker's son is a christian horror author who lives in Austin. Weird. Long before his son was a writer though, Jon Dekker and his wife were missionaries in New Guinea and have an amazing story!  These are amazing people and their lives of faith are a testimony to how awesome God is.  Their story is incredibly ecxiting, filled with danger and turmoil, but with incredibly rewards. Read the book, I bought it a few years ago before I went digital.

Torches of Joy

10. Which Real Jesus?: Jonathan Edwards, Benjamin Franklin, adn te arly American Roots of the Current Debate by Steve Bateman  - The title is a bit intimidating. A friend of mine gave me this book and it sat on my "to read" pile for over a year. I didn't think I would like it until I read the first chapter, then I was hooked and I really enjoyed it. He does a fantastic job of comparing the debate about the nature and existence of God and Jesus in Jonathan Edwards and Ben Franklin's era to the debate about the same topic in our own time. It's amazing to see that people are essentially still debating the same topics 300 years later regarding Jesus. His research was impressive and enlightening, and he does a great job of creating a list of Founding Fathers who were serious Christians and which were more on the Deisitic end of the spectrum. Highly recommended.  I read it on paper.

Which "Real" Jesus?: Jonathan Edwards, Benjamin Franklin, and the Early American Roots of the Current Debate

11. The Book of Harold, the Illegitmate Son of God by Owen Egerton - Owen is one of my very good friends from college. He and I agree on very little, which is highly entertaining. He is a very gifted writer. This is the first novel I read last year, and I had a very strong emotional reaction to it. Mostly because I knew the author. It's a very interesting book that will make you think, and evoke an emotional response. Would also make for some good discussions.  I read it on the Kindle app for my iPad.

The Book of Harold, the Illegitimate Son of God

12. A Prisoner of Birth by Jeffrey Archer - I've read almost all of his novels. I needed something fun and relatively mindless to read over the summer. His stories are always really enjoyable but at this point in his career he has become totally formulaic.  It's a good formula, but after reading 10 or more of his novels, the act is kinda wearing thin. Any big time offer like Archer is making so much money cranking out books, that they probably don't care if it's formulaic any more, because the money is obscene. If you want to read a great, fun Jeffrey Archer book from his early days, check out Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less. If you have never read any of his books, you'll enjoy this one thoroughly. I read it on the Kindle app for iPhone and iPad.

A Prisoner of Birth

13. The Classic: How Everett Case and His Tournament Brought Big Time Basketball to the South by Bethany Bradsher - Bethany is another friend of mine who writes books. This is a fascinating story that you probably know nothing about unless you are over 50 or from North Carolina. If you like basketball or good regional history, you'll love this!

The Classic: How Everett Case and His Tournament Brought Big-Time Basketball to the South 

14. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson - I'm an Apple zealout, so I had to read this book. I blew through it. It's fascinating stuff and you get all sides of Steve Jobs, the good and the bad. Of course I read this on my iPhone and iPad wih the Kindle app.

Steve Jobs

15. Wired by Douglas Richards - This is a high tech thriller with a little bit of philosophy and quasi religion thrown in. It's entertaining. You'll read it in less than 48 hours, it's fast-paced to say the least. The reason I bought it is because it's only available digitally and the price fluctuates wildly. Basically the author sells it for super cheap (I bought if for 79 cents!) until it gets in the top 10 books on the Kindle store, then he raises the price to $2.99, sells a ton of copies at that price until it falls out of the top 10, and then starts the whole thing again. Pretty cool way to make a couple of hundred thousand dollars a year. Obviously I read it on my iPhone and iPad Kindle app.


16. - 18. The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins - This Young Adult Trilogy is all the rage, and there is a movie coming out in a few months. I read them for a couple of reasons: 1. to get my book count up before the end of the year, they're short and fast 2. Because I try to keep up with what the young people are reading so I can be relevant (I drew the line at Twilight though, won't go there). 3. I like to read the book before I see the movie.  They are exciting, and the movie should be fun. Read on the Kindle app for iPhone and iPad. Strangely they weren't available on the iBookstore.

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)

Catching Fire (The Hunger Games, #2)

Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, #3)

19. Why Men Hate Going To Church by David Murrow - I read it in one day. Couldnt' put it down. Spot on. Amazing, I loved it!!!!!!! Everybody should read this book immediately. Seriously, this dude nails so much about why guys aren't terribly comfortable or excited about church. He also provides good, doable solutions! Read it on iBooks for iPad. Got if for free from  

Why Men Hate Going to Church

20. Heaven if for Real by Todd Burpo - Huge bestseller, really short, totally crazy, a great read that will make you think about Heaven and will also get you really excited to go there. I loved it. Read it on my iPhone Kindle App. Yep, the whole book on the phone.

Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back

21. Scream Free Marriage by Hal Edward Runkel  Another one of my college roommates who turned into an author. Hal is very successful, and this book is his followup to ScreamFree Parenting. I loved this book, and Jessica (my wife) can attest to its effectiveness. Get it. Read it. Live it. Read it on the Kindle for iPad.

ScreamFree Marriage

22. A Feast for Crows by George RR Martin - this is the 4th book in the Song of Fire and Ice Series. HBO made this series into a very successful TV show (Game of Thrones). The first 3 books were amazing, some of the best fantasy ever. The story was derailed quite a bit in the 4th book, but little did I know how bad it would get, read below. Read on iPad/iPhone Kindle app.

A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire, #4)

23. A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin - book five in the series.  It took him 5+ years to write this book, and it basically sucked.  The 4th book dragged, this one came to a screaching halt, and took 1,000+ pages to do so. I'll keep reading the series, but this dude needs and editor, badly. Read it on the iPad and iPhone.

A Dance With Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, #5)

24. The Case for the Real Jesus: A Journalist Investigates Current Attacks on the Identity of Christ by Lee Strobel - this was my favorite book of the year. Lee investigates common arguements that are raised by people on the web all the time, who quote "scholars" for their proof. He dives in deep with experts in each field, and it's very enlightening. I learned a ton about the New Testament and the study of ancient documents. If you're into apologetics, or have questions about who Jesus really was, this is a great book for you! Read it on Kindle for iPad.

The Case for the Real Jesus: A Journalist Investigates Current Attacks on the Identity of Christ

25. Wholehearted by Roger Wernette - Roger is an old friend of mine. A very funny guy, and a very gifted communicator, both in speech and in the written word. This book was a great encouragement for me in my walk with Christ, and I've given it to about 30 people this year. Read it on iBooks for iPad. I believe it was the first book I read on the iPad.


U2 Tour 2009

My U2 concert review from 2009. They just recently finished this tour, so I thought it would make sense to repost my review from my old site.

 Here it is, the review that no one was waiting for.

 U2, Dallas & Norman

I’m reviewing both of these shows together, because they were very much identical. The only difference in the setlist, was the addition of In A Little While and Unknown Caller in Norman.

Let’s start with a little insight into my recent U2 fandom. It was fading. Call it age, call it having 2 kids, call it busyness with work, call it a lackluster album, whatever the reason, my U2 obsession has faded.  Buying tickets at multiple shows was probably just a learned response to the tickets being offered. A few weeks before the shows I even thought to myself, “what am I doing going to these shows?”.  Buy, I’m still cheap, and I paid for the tickets, and I decided to go ahead and go to both shows anyway. Would it be worth it?  Keep reading.


The shows were very similar, but one way they were different was the venue. The Dallas show was in the new Jerrydome, which is unfreakingbelievably massive.  Lots of reports about bad sound in the venue, but from 10 feet away from Bono, I didn’t notice.  But the roof was closed, and in comparing that to the Norman show, being outside on a cool, crisp evening totally owned being inside Jerry’s new playpen. I was really stoked to see the show outside in the weather after being in the Jerrydome.

 I stood in exactly the same place at the 2 different shows. Which is to say 10-15 feet from the stage, between where Bono stands and where Edge stands, so that I’d get the full effect of both of their antics.

 I attended the Dallas show with my long time friend Nick Massad, his wife Monica, and 2 of their friends, who were great.  The Norman show was, me, Jessica, and Dan U2 Fox.

 Opening acts was the other main difference. I had never listened to Muse before the Dallas show, but I liked them immediately, which is weird for me. Thus I would give them an A+.

 In Norman, the Black Eyed Peas opened which was totally different from Muse, but they were good and fun, even though I’m not really a fan.

Once the opening acts were finished, you have the usual hour or so wait for U2. The way U2 introduced their set was great. Space Oddity began playing loudly and the crowd went crazy. Everyone singing along loudly and you could feel the energy ramp way, way, way up!

Lights down, smoke machines on, spotlights swinging, here comes U2, first song….

Breathe - I’m not a fan of this song, and I don’t think it is a great show starter, but I was happy that it was first, since then it was out of the way. It just doesn’t open a show very well. Elevation, Vertigo, neither of which are great songs either, are much better openers. So were MoFo and Zoo Station.

Get On Your Boots - I really don’t like this song, it just sucks. It is a little better live, but still, this will be the only tour that they ever play this song on, because it is utterly forgettable.

Magnificent - now we’re talking!  A new song I like, and that is pretty much a blatant worship song, at least form my perspective. At both shows I watched Bono pretty closely (and we were very close) and he seems to go into his spiritual, introspective, forget the crowd is there mode during this song.  Which was really interesting, because from my biased viewpoint this continued into the next song…

Mysterious Ways - this is at this point an old war horse, they have played it at pretty much every show for 18 years. However at the 2 shows I went to there was no belly dancer, or chicks on stage, or anything else remotely dance clubish. Rather it seemed to me that more than ever this song was about the Holy Spirit, especially during the end when Bono went into the “oooh, the spirit moves me, ooh the spirit takes me, the spirit moves in mysterious ways” lines at the end. So at this point, I’m at church, but better.

Beautiful Day - Here comes the sun/God Only Knows - more spiritual stuff in this song, so the service, errr I mean concert, continues.  In Dallas he tacked on Here Comes The Sun, but in Norman it was God Only Knows (Beach Boys), this was a new twist for me, and it was awesome, and yes I think it was meant to be sung to God, because the next song was…

 I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For , and this was the highlight for me, when the band stopped playing and the crowd took over, that was the absolute best part of the show. Amazing. So great, to hear 70,000 people singing a song that means so much to so many in their walk with Christ was just really mind blowing. I shot both videos in this post on my iPhone by the way. They look great for a phone.

Stuck In A Moment - I’ve never much cared for this song, Bono and Edge did it without Larry and Adam, so that was a nice change, but if they never played this song again, I wouldn’t miss it.

No Line On The Horizon - Bono actually said “we even have songs we can’t play yet” before they played this one. It wasn’t really clean, but I like this song, so it was fun for me. I’m really glad they played it, and I hope it gets better, because it’s a very good song.

Elevation - not my favorite, but a great song to be in the inner circle for. 

In A Little While - this one was only done in Norman, they dedicated it to the astronauts at the space station, it was ho hum, because it’s a song that I have never liked, still don’t.

Unknown Caller - This is the tune from the new album that I really wanted to hear live!  They didn’t play it in Dallas, and I was disappointed. So when they cranked it up in Norman I was super stoked.  It’s freaking great live!  They show the words on the giant screens, so it’s like a karaoke prayer meeting!  I was emotionally moved by the song, it speaks to me at my core about being still and listening to God. This thing is loaded with scripture references. Jer. 33:3, 2 Cor. 5:17, Is. 53:6, Is. 46:10 and from what I’ve read the final 1:30 of the song is taken from a hymn called “My Savior’s Love”, so this kept the whole spiritual experience going from me. Heck I even teared up a little bit during this song, which was appropriate because the next song makes me tear up every single time.


Until the End of the World - good God I love this song so much. It’s my 2nd favorite U2 song now, trailing only With or Without You. The whole conversation between Judas and Jesus is just genius.  The more I’ve thought about Judas the past 20 years, the more I like this song. I really relate to Judas and his desire to force Jesus into proclaiming himself king. It’s totally something I would have done. Make God do what you want Him to do, I could definitely see myself  in this, so it makes Judas that much more of a sympathetic character, and more importantly it makes Jesus that much greater. What must Jesus have been feeling towards Judas? How frustrating, how sad, how horrible to watch your friend make the worst choice, yet still Jesus said he “would wait, until the end of the world”. Even at the end Jesus loved him.  Best. U2. Lyric. Ever.

The Unforgettable Fire - get out your XXXL throwback jersey for this one. It always reminds me of driving back and forth to Austin in college, because I listened to the album on nearly every trip.  Great to hear it.

City of Blinding Lights - at both of the shows he brought a 10-13 year old boy on the stage, different kids in each city. He walked the kid around the catwalk during the song, and really seemed to look into both of their faces and long for his youth during the tune. Bono can emote when necessary.

Vertigo - great live song, crowd went nuts.

I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight (remix) - I’m not a big fan of the remix, but the crowds seem to like it.

Sunday Bloody Sunday - old school, but with a  new twist. Showing pictures of students in Iran, so it makes this song relevant again.  Not the best version though, that will always be the version on the Rattle and Hum DVD. This song starts the political portion of the set, which I usually dread because Bono gets to preachy. So I was pleasantly surprised when the Bonologue was short and very upbeat and positive. He even compliment GW Bush for the US work in Africa, and in Dallas he name checked Eugene Peterson (The Message translation) and Peb Jackson (former fundraiser with Young Life)!

MLK - great to hear, short intro for….

Walk On - I’m not a huge fan of this tune, but it seems to be the new One, so it’s probably going to be in every show forever.


One - always great!

Amazing Grace - you don’t get much more overtly Christian than this!!!!!!!

Where the Streets Have No Name - they will never do a show without this song. It is a guaranteed crowd exciter. Yet another song with a heavy spiritual twist.

Ultraviolet - surprise! A song they haven’t played since the first Clinton administration!  Awesome, especially with Bono’s laser jacket and funky trapeze/microphone!

With or Without You - my favorite U2 song, but for the love of all that is good and true, please stop playing this song live!!!!!  Bono has been singing this song like he was a lounge singer for at least 4 tours, and it just sucks, it pulls all the life and passion out of the song. 

Moment of Surrender - last song, I interpret this one to be the moment one come’s to Christ, I’ve read some other thoughts too, but I like this interpretation best. It’s not 40, but I was singing all the way home in my head.


In Summary:

The Norman show is probably my 2nd favorite U2 show ever to attend. It was that freaking good, the Dallas show would be right behind it. This tour was much more of a spiritual experience than I had anticipated, and I think that was intentional on U2’s part.


10 Most Overrated Movies

Here are 10 movies I find to be unbelievably overrated, in no particular order....


1. Avatar - it really isn't that good at all. Amazing effects, but totally lame and predictable story mixed with bland acting.

2. The English Patient - nominated for a billion (literally) Oscars, and it won Best Picture. However, this movie is so boring it's insane.  The Seinfeld episode about this movie is total vindication of my beliefs on it. This is when I first realized that the Academy Awards are a joke.

3. Office Space - its just not that funny for me, although my friends who have worked in an office "cube farm" say that it's because I have never worked in such an environment.

4. The Godfather 2 - this is a good movie, but I've seen several "professional" lists that have it ranked as "the best movie ever!".  It's not even the best movie in its own trilogy. I prefer The Godfather. In fact, my favorite scene in The Godfather 2 is the flashback to the first one that happens at the end.

5. Chinatown - I watched it, and afterwards I thought. "That was weird, and freaky, what's the hoopla all about?"

6. Forrest Gump - I really like this movie, but some people used to (and still do) worship it. It's fun, it's funny, it's sad, it's smart (for its time) but I can't watch it anymore. I've seen it twice, and it's not good enough to earn another rewatch, ever.

7. Chocolat - This movie was nominated for Best Picture! It's terrible, boring, predictable, and its theme would have been edgy in 1955, not in 2005 (or whenever it came out). I hate this movie!

8.  Independence Day - I know that no one thinks this thing is award winning, but there are lots of people who like this movie. It's unwatchable.  The only reason it made a bajillion dollars is because when it opened it had the trailer for the rerelease of Star Wars (the new and impoved versions of the originals). Those trailers were awesome as you can see if you click this. Those special editions are in many ways an abomination, but the trailers were awesome geekery.

9. Kramer v. Kramer - another best picture winner.  The 70's were brutal at times.

10. Bugsy -  Another movie that was nominated for a ridiculous amount of awards, but was just boring and terrible. I saw this when I was in college, and walked out of the theatre after it was over and almost asked for my money back. It was that bad. When it got nominated for best picture I was shocked into incoherence for 3 days.


That's my list, off the top of my head. I'm sure I missed some, so feel free to add anything I missed in the comments. Or feel free to eviscerate me for my poor taste and lack of culture.  Either way, I want to see how the comments work on this new website, so make a comment.