Star Wars Episode 1 ... reimagined

“It is a time of unrest and uncertainty in the Republic. A new threat has arrived and threatened the peaceful existence of hundreds of systems. Terrorists lead by the mysterious and charismatic Bonesteel have caused havoc and destruction throughout the galaxies. Fear has gripped the peaceful inhabitants of many planets as the terrorists, in their quest to destroy the Republic and bring Bonesteel to intergalactic power have sought to create disunity and death to every system.


The Republic Senate has asked Yoda, the Jedi Master, to send two Jedi to the planet of Hambone (Obi-Wan’s home planet) to investigate recent terrorist uprisings and attacks. Yoda has assigned Qui-Gon Jin and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Their assignment is to investigate the terrorist network and bring light to it’s workings and leadership. While stationed on Hambone they are also assigned to recruit and test potential Jedi….”

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