The Number One Question facing College Football for next year.

The big question facing college football next year isn’t whether or not the BCS will be destroyed and replaced with an actual playoff system. It won’t, sadly.

The big question for college football next year is this…..

Will Texas A&M change their fight song, now that it makes absolutely no sense?

If you aren’t familiar with the Aggie Fight Song (aka Aggie War Hymn) Below are the lyrics:


Hullabaloo, Caneck, Caneck

Hullabaloo, Caneck, Caneck

All hail to dear old Texas A&M

Rally around Maroon and White

Good luck to dear old Texas Aggies

They are the boys who show the real old fight

That good old Aggie Spirit thrills us

And makes us yell and yell and yell

So let's fight for dear old Texas A&M

We're gonna beat you all to Chigaroogarem


Rough, Tough, real stuff Texas A&M

Good bye to texas university

So long to the orange and the white

Good luck to dear old Texas Aggies

They are the boys who show the real old fight

'the eyes of Texas are upon you'

That is the song they sing so well

Sounds Like Hell

So good bye to texas university

We're gonna beat you all to Chigaroogarem


Rough, Tough, Real stuff, Texas A&M


Saw varsity's horns off

Saw varsity's horns off

Saw varsity's horns off

Short! A!

Varsity's horns are sawed off

Varsity's horns are sawed off

Varsity's horns are sawed off

Short! A!

The lyrics are weird, but it was written a long time ago, and some of the stuff that seems like nonsense now, actually made sense back then. If you’re interested in what it all means click here.

Basically, most of the song talks about beating the University of Texas (full disclosure, I have a degree from said University of Texas). Now this was moderately weird before, because even when the Aggies were playing other teams besides UT, they would sing about beating Texas. But at least then, they knew they would actually be playing Texas at some point during the season (usually the last game) so you could kind of play it off.

Now, however, Texas A&M and the University of Texas will not be playing against one another in any sport, period.  Barring both teams making it to the National Championship game of any given sport (ha!)  there is no chance they will play one another in anything until 2018. It is beyond ridiculous to be singing about a school you hate that you won't even play in the forseeable future.

The Aggies chose to move to the SEC, which may turn out to be a great move for them. Personally, I think they will end up regretting this move, but I could easily be wrong on this one. With that choice they more or less abandonded the relationship they had with Texas, so it's probably time to start developing some new traditions.  This is the knock though. If you've ever been around Aggies, or gone to College Station, then you know that tradition is a huge part of their modus operandi (I think that's Latin, or maybe Chinese).  Once you buy into the importance of tradition so thoroughly it is very difficult to start new traditions that do away with the old.

So, will the Aggies change their fight song?

I think they should. What do you Aggies think?




College, the best years of your life?

This was written with the college aged reader in mind. I originally wrote it in 2005, but it's relevant as many of my friends head off to college.

 You, like me, have probably heard the phrase, "College is the best time of your life".  I want to run an idea by you.  Here it is.....If college is really the best years of your life, then you have a pretty crappy life.  Let me explain what I mean. 

If you are in college from the ages 18-22, then you still have 60+ years to live. If the next 60+ years don't compare to 4 or 5 years you spent in college, didn't your life peak kinda early?  Isn't everything after college kind of a let down?  If you get the idea that college is the best time of your life from older people who look back and think that, I would suggest that those older people are suffering from a mid-life crisis of some sort, and at the very least they are the type of person you may not want to emulate. 

I am not saying that college shouldn't be great.  It should. It should be the best years of your life..... so far.  Just as high school was hopefully better than junior high. But why settle for peaking at the age of 22?  Why not make your 20's even better than college? Why not make your 30's better than your 20's and so on. I've been in my 30's for almost 9 years now and I have to say, they are pretty awesome. I had an incredible college experience. I loved all of it except for the tests and overly long papers.  I made great friends that I still talk to and hang out with. I'm still in close contact with my 16 best college guy friends. We get together for a weekend every year. We hang out, share whats going on, and pray for one another, and basically stay up all night and laugh, just like when we were in college. My prayer for you as a college student is that you will make friends like that in school. Friends who will be with you for the rest of your life. Friends who will stand up to you when you are wrong. Friends who will stand by you when you are hurt, and friends who will point you to the one thing that is more important than anything else...... Christ.