Israel - Funny, Cool and Weird things I left out from the trip.

Each day of the trip I had to pick and choose what I would share and below are some images and brief commentary on things I left out but are nevertheless interesting, informative, weird, scary or funny. You decide which.


Imagine 5,000 people on this hill with no food. Jesus fed them all with a few loaves and a couple of fish. Right there.  He also said a few things that have changed every culture that has come in contact with what he said. 


Ever heard of Samson? He was born on the hill with the tree on it.


This picture above and below are what pass for streets in the Old City of portion of Jerusalem. Not many cars in the old city. Some of the folks who were with us did witness a fight and a gunshot in this area. By far the scariest thing that happened.


This old dude with the sweet beard and hat is a Greek Orthodox priest. His church is built over Jacob's Well. He paints all of these icons and cool looking eggs by hand. Also, Christianity isn't real popular in his town so he's been stabbed 15 times!  Obviously, he is tough old dude.


This is most probably the area where Jesus was scourged. FYI, scourging is very different than flogging. Jesus was scourged not flogged. Scourging was way worse, it's what they did to you before you were crucified. 


Below is a sticker on a car that pulled up in the midst of us after we ate lunch in Bethlehem (Palestine) one day. If you can't read it because of the low quality, let me describe it for you. It says "Don't Touch My Car" and has a picture of a dude on all fours with his head being held by another guy who is also holding a machete or sword in order to cut off the guy on all fours head. This takes the obnoxious car sticker to a whole new level! Fun times.


Finally, there was this guy, who made some incredible schwarma and managed to smoke an entire cigarette or two in the process. If you are ever in Palestine, you should stop by this place, it wasn't much to look at on the outside but the food was outrageously good. I didn't catch the name of the establishment but our bus driver did hop behind the counter and help them cook the food and take the money.